ABC News Reveals Sex Tourism in Hunting and Fishing Tourism

Federal law enforcement sources tell ABC News that ICE and the FBI are investigating the fishing and hunting tour operating business for arranging sex for American men overseas. (ABC News)

ABC News has done an undercover piece showing what happens when people feel they can take advantage of children in poor countries. Last night they ran an excellent piece on World News. Everyone should see this.

Everyone should patronize companies that have signed the Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children From Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism, developed by ECPAT:

For more information about child sex tourism, see ECPAT-USA’s website, on “What We Do.”

Sexual Violence and HIV/AIDS

Sexual violence can take many forms. It violates the most basic of human rights, and its effects resonate long after the act. It also perpetuates the vulnerability of women and girls to HIV infection.

In the developing world 2 out of 3 young people living with HIV are female.

In some countries in Africa young women are five times more likely to be infected than young men.

“The Journey, Exposing the Sex Trade” Coming to NYC

Through a striking art installation, actress Emma Thompson chronicles the story of a naive 18-year-old from a small Eastern European republic who was caught up in London’s sex trade. Her name is Elena, and her story makes its debut in New York on Nov. 10. This art installation will be in Washington Square Park, New York City, November 10-16.  Thompson will be in the seventh container.

Help Stop Child Sex Trafficking

Countries of Destination, as measured by the extent of reporting of trafficking

Right now before the US Congress there is a bill that could make a real difference in the fight against the buying and selling and trafficking of innocent children, most of whom are girls.

This bill, International Megan’s Law, would mandate reporting requirements for convicted sex traffickers trying to engage in international travel, and prevent entry into the U.S. by any foreign sex offender against a minor.

In the U.S. and around the world, thousands of pimps, traffickers, and child molesters treat girls like objects to be used and discarded.   This bill will send a loud and unambiguous message to those who believe they can buy, sell and abuse girls with impunity: never again.

Please send your Congressperson a letter today to help protect girls before more are solicited or kidnapped by the pimps who steal their childhoods for profit.

Click on the Change widget in the left hand column of my blog or visit: to take action.

Help Eric Proffitt “Break These Chains”

Every 30 seconds, a little child is inducted into slavery. A drug can only be sold once, but a person can be sold over and over again in the same night, that is why trafficking has become the 2nd most profitable illegal activity in the world.

Multiply that number by the estimated 27 million victims of human trafficking that live in every major city across the world, and we see a picture of suffering on a magnitude too staggering to comprehend.

  • Human trafficking is a $10 billion+ growth industry with conservative estimates ranging from 700,000 to 2 million people – primarily women and children – trafficked into prostitution and slavery annually.
  • Human trafficking is the third largest criminal business worldwide, after trafficking in drugs and weapons.
  • For traffickers it has been a high profit, low risk enterprise. Laws against trafficking in persons do not exist or are not enforced in many countries.
  • The most common form of human trafficking (79%) is sexual exploitation. The victims of sexual exploitation are predominantly women and girls.
  • In 30% of the countries which provide information on the gender of traffickers, women make up the largest proportion of traffickers. In some parts of the world, women trafficking women is the norm.
  • Worldwide, almost 20% of all trafficking victims are children. However, in some parts of Africa and the Mekong region, children are the majority (up to 100% in parts of West Africa).

Can you see why many ask,- “has humanity has lost it’s humanity?”

Our response is a resounding NO!

Please support Eric Proffitt as he runs 500 miles in chains  from London, to Bristol, to Liverpool, to this year’s FREEDOM FESTIVAL in Kingston-Upon-Hull is to help rescue victims of trafficking, prevent future exploitation, and to stop the demand for modern slavery. During this 27 day journey Eric will be joined by Theresa Flores, a trafficking survivor, as a guest speaker, and together they will use music and personal experiences to motivate the world to END SLAVERY! Beginning at the graveside of abolitionist hero William Wilberforce, Eric will run across the country until he reaches the birth city of William, where he is scheduled to be a key presenter at the Freedom Festival.

This extreme marathon event is about awareness, consumer responsibility, and of course funding!

it is about triggering a tipping point whereby people all over the world become involved in the abolition of modern slavery.

Visit to see how you fit into the solution!

Today is International Free the Slaves Awareness Day

In November, in a post entitled, Saving Girls in New York from the Life, I wrote about domestically trafficked and commercially exploited girls in New York City. Since then, the United States Justice Department has released some shocking new statistics revealing the extent of human trafficking in this country. These statistics show that the typical slave in the United States today is an American girl, a female American citizen under the age of 17.

The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA), and its reauthorizations in 2003, 2005, and 2008 define a human trafficking victim as a person induced to perform labor or a commercial sex act through force, fraud, or coercion. Any person under age 18 who performs a commercial sex act is considered a victim of human trafficking, regardless of whether force, fraud, or coercion was present.

  • 83% of the reported human trafficking incidents involved allegations of sex trafficking.
  • Labor trafficking accounted for 12% of incidents, and other or unknown forms of human trafficking made up the remaining 5%.
  • About a third 32% of the 1,229 alleged human trafficking incidents involved sex trafficking of children.
  • Over 90% of victims in both alleged and confirmed human trafficking incidents were female.
  • Hispanic victims comprised the largest share 37% of alleged sex trafficking victims and more than half 56% of alleged labor trafficking victims.
  • Asians made up 10% of alleged sex trafficking victims, compared to 31% of labor trafficking victims.
  • Approximately two-thirds of victims in alleged human trafficking incidents were age 17 or younger.
  • Sex trafficking victims tended to be younger (71% were under age 25) and labor trafficking victims tended to be older (almost 70% were age 25 or older).
  • Slightly more than half of all victims in alleged human trafficking incidents were U.S. citizens. U.S. citizens accounted for 63% of sex trafficking victims, compared to 4%  of labor trafficking victims.

View the whole report from the Justice Department at:

To find out what you can do to combat modern day slavery in the United States visit: